How do I sign up on the app or website if I'm brand new to Sixty60 and Xtra Savings?

  1. Open the Sixty60 app or website.
  2. You will be asked to enter your mobile number. Once completed, tap ‘Let’s Go!’
  3. Fill in your relevant contact details (name, email address etc.).
  4. We recommend then opting in to receive marketing and promotional content to stay up to date with offers relevant to you.
  5. You will also need to accept our T&Cs.
  6. We will then send an OTP (One-time Pin) via SMS to your mobile number to verify that we’ve got the right contact details.
  7. You’ll then be prompted to enable notifications on your device. This allows us to send you push notifications directly from the app. 

For a step-by-step guide to create your account, watch this informative video.